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space weapons中文是什么意思

用"space weapons"造句"space weapons"怎么读"space weapons" in a sentence


  • [网络] 空间武器;太空武器


  • A group of20 nonaligned nations urged a treaty to ban space weapons
  • space weapons can electronically hijack a cruise missile in flight and redirect it
  • Us space control policy has reignited the debate on space weapons at a time when satellites have become a major component of warfighting and modern life
  • Since 2002 china and russia have been working together under the paros rubric to present ideas on a framework agreement outlawing space weapons
  • Operations guide : keyboard control, wsad mobile : b attacks : 93.7 jumping : m was reduced blood toxicity, space weapons choices if not used, can option going to change key provision
  • Likewise, insisting on a treaty or nothing, with interminable debates over the legal definition of what is a space weapon ? just something that can be fired or also the sophisticated bits and pieces that help find and track targets too
  • Since the beginning of the 1980s, as one of the co-sponsors of the un general assembly resolutions on keeping outer space weapon-free, china has promoted negotiations on this problem at the geneva conference on disarmament and through other multilateral mechanisms
用"space weapons"造句  
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